The Illuminated Way, LLC

When the mind, body and spirit are in alignment, we are made whole... this is the beauty of complementary therapies.
-Rev. Lorie A. Danzenbaker


Thank you for taking the time to find me. This website is set up to be an informative, inspiring, and healing site. This website is to give deeper understanding of my techniques, philosophy and services. This is not meant to be used for diagnoses, or in place of allopathic medicine or psychiatric care.

From the moment I was led into the world of healing and service, I felt God's presence was leading and directing my way. This is still how I continue to feel and how I am led in my walking with people. I feel led in who is to be present on my table as well as where someone is to go. I often refer people to other therapists; part of my service is to be the bridge for people for their healing journey. I do believe that for myself and others to be balanced, healthy and whole, it does take a village! A village of complementary therapists as well as chiropractic care and medical doctors.

Benefits of Complementary Therapies

Complementary Therapies offer many people feelings of deep relaxation and well-being and can relieve stress and renew energy. Other benefits that may be helped by Complementary Therapies include but not limited to:

  • Helps promote positive mental attitude, positive self-esteem/self-worth

  • May reduce pain, anxiety, and stress Stimulates immune and circulatory systems

  • Promotes a sense of connection to mind, body, and spirit

  • Helps eliminate toxins and impurities from the body

  • Promotes balance and increases energy

  • Enhances quality of life

  • May help to minimize side effects and encourages recovery from surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

  • May help to enhance effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Should you be interested in a session with me, you can email me.